Our work is sustained by the generosity of neighbors around the world.

Become a Personal Partner


All donations in the United States are tax deductible through the Institute for Faith and Flourishing and the Bosko Foundation.
Thank you for your generosity!

Corporate Partnership Options


  • Send Thank-you note
  • Provide all NLM materials
  • Include you as a sponsor on literature at monthly events


  • Send Thank-you note
  • Send Signed copy of “Balinjeraye” book
  • Provide all NLM materials
  • Include you as a sponsor on literature at 101 events
  • Include you as a sponsor on our Website


  • Send Thank-you note
  • Send Signed copy of “Balinjeraye” book
  • Provide all NLM materials In-person staff training (if domestic)
  • Include you as a sponsor on liter- ature at 101 events
  • Verbal shout-out at 101 events
  • Include you as a sponsor on our Website