About the Book

Balinjeraye ("My Neighbor") is the first book in an Ethiopian language devoted to loving our neighbors as ourselves. It challenges us to see and treat others as neighbors with unconditional love, surveying biblical literature and contemporary implications. This book is perfect for individual study and small group discussion.


About the Author

Dr. Tekalign Nega holds a PhD in Cultural Studies from Tilburg University (Netherlands) and was a 2019 SUSI Fellow on Religious Pluralism in the United States at the Dialogue Institute, Temple University. He holds graduate degrees in Accounting, Counseling Psychology, and Theology. Dr. Tekalign is a sought-after speaker (see his interview on the Selome Show) and serves as Assistant Professor at Addis Ababa University and lecturer at the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology. He is married to Tehitena Mesfin with one son and the author of The Prosperity Gospel: Turning a House of Prayer into a House of Merchandise (Rohobot, 2017). Email him at tekalignnega@gmail.com.


“Loving God and Loving our neighbor stand together or fall together.”

Loving God is a foundation for loving our neighbor. In fact, the ultimate test of the genuineness of our love is our love of our neighbor. There is no real love of God apart from neighbor-love. Without loving God, it is impossible to love our neighbor after the model of God’s unconditional love. Whenever love governs our relationships, we passionately will and practically work for our shared wellbeing. This love inspires a culture of dialogue, trust, cooperation, innovation, and flourishing.


"Our brother Dr. Tekalign Nega diligently searched to answer the eternal question of every generation, "Who is my neighbor?" in the two testaments. Loving our neighbor is investigated with depth and from various angles. My hope is that after reading the book you will not be a stranger to the question, "Who is my neighbor?"
"Balinjeraye is based on God’s word and presents a very timely message… I extend my appreciation to Dr. Tekalign Nega for venturing to write such a wonderful, urgent message. I encourage all of us to read it, to discuss it in groups, and to pray about it."
"This book greatly contributes to overcoming our contemporary religious, ethnic, and political hate, rootlessness, and vanity and to strengthening our spiritual life."

Where to find the book

Meserete Kirstos Book Store